i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA 'Mediterranean' plant cover
The i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA range of plants brings together various species of sedums, aromatic, and medicinal plants, selected for their resistance to the conditions of an extensive roof (wind, extreme heat, erratic access to water, shallow growing medium, etc.). The plants are generally selected in order to obtain staggered flowering and shapes and colours that change with the seasons.
- Diverse plant cover
- Very low-maintenance
- Low weight
Characterised by the diverse plants and beautiful flowers, the i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA roof is reminiscent of Mediterranean landscapes. It is particularly well suited to inaccessible visible roofs.
There are numerous planting techniques for establishing the i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA green roof and they may be combined: all-in-one HYDROPACK® tray, i.D. MAT pre-planted mat, plugs, potted plants, or spreadingsedum cuttings. HYDROPACK® and i.D. MAT can be installed on the roof during spring, summer, or early fall as long as the temperature is warm enough. The period for planting plugs and spreading cuttings is limited to spring.
As for the i.D. SEDUM roof, the i.D. Mix-Flore AROMA roof requires minimum maintenance: 1 to 2 visits per year are often sufficient to carry out the usual maintenance operations.
Example of plants constituting the i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA plant cover
Example of plants constituting the i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA range of plants: 1. Allium schoenoprasum 2. Origanum vulgare 3. Dianthus deltoides 4. Thymus vulgaris 5. Sedum album 6. Sedum spurium
i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA roofs produced by Vegetal i.D.
Example of green roofs featuring the i.D. MIX-FLORE AROMA plant cover
i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE 'Steppe' plant cover
Diverse and flowering, the i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE range of plants combines different species of sedums, herbaceous plants and grasses, selected for their resistance to the conditions experienced by an extensive roof (wind, extreme heat, long, dry period, shallow growing medium). The plants are generally arranged in order to provide changing colours and a waving effect with the wind. i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE plant cover is reminiscent of the steppe or prairie landscape.
- Lightweight system
- Diverse plant cover that may be customised
- Regular maintenance
Particularly well-suited to inaccessible visible roofs, i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE plant cover allows the visual effect to be customised (landscaped volume and shape) depending on the constraints of the project and the visual result desired by the building owner.
There are various planting techniques for implementing the i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE plant cover and they may be combined: i.D. MAT pre-planted mat, planting plugs or potted plants or by spreading cuttings. Only the i.D. MAT plant mat can be installed throughout the year. The period for establishing plugs and seeds is limited to spring.
Special care is required to maintain the i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE roof: from 3 to 4 or more visits to the roof per year depending on the desired aesthetic appearance and the plants selected. Some species need to be cut and watered regularly.
Example of plants constituting the i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE plant cover
Example of plants constituting the i.D. MIX-FLORE PRAIRIE plant selection: 1. Carex humilis 2. Deschampsia 3. Festuca glauca 4. Melica ciliata 5. Sedum spurium 6. Sedum floriferum kamtschaticum