Green roof for pitched and steep roofs

Réalisation de toiture végétale en forte pente avec la solution de végétalisation multicouche avec Tapis i.D MAT

With Vegetal i.D.® planting solutions for steep roofs, Nature gains ground!

Why choose Vegetal i.D.® planting solutions for steep roofs?

  • The solutions are guaranteed by a technical inspection service and approved in a Specification for Installation Instructions for pitches of up to 200% 
  • Customised solutions for pitches of up to 200% and even vertical walls
  • Suitable solutions for all shapes of roofs
  • Integral irrigation system
  • Use of durable metals resistant to corrosion
  • Limited maintenance

The Vegetal i.D. team of engineers has developed two planting procedures for dealing with sloping roofs (from 20 to 200%): the solution for greening steep pitches with HYDROPACK® pre-planted trays and the MULTICOUCHES with i.D. MAT mat solution for greening steep pitches.

These innovative technical solutions are approved by a Specification for Installation Instructions and meet the requirements of Professional Regulations. To cope with the problems caused by erosion and slippage associated with the pitch, each planting process is complemented by a suitable retention system: ACROPACK® retention for HYDROPACK® pre-planted trays and MULTIFIX anti-slip and anti-erosion device for MULTICOUCHE Vegetal i.D.® systems.


The planting solutions for roofs described as being "steeply sloped"…
HYDROPACK® is suitable for very steep roofs (up to 200%)
Particularly well-suited to non-standard projects. Wide range of plants.
Find out about the slope green roofs we have produced…

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adivet association des toitures végétalesGreen Roofs for healthy city associationPole Dream, Pole de compétitivité eaux et milieux - région Centre

VEGETAL i.D. designs and produces innovative,useful green solutions that integrate into urban andsuburban environments to make cities more pleasant,environmentally sound and smarter places to live.

A bespoke VEGETAL i.D solution exists for each urban greening project : flat or sloped roofs, biodiverse or biosolar roofs , urban farming , indoor or outdoor living walls , podium decks design with integrated sotrmwater management

Contact VEGETAL i.D engineering board to help you design your project

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