Vegetal i.D.® plant covers for Green roofs
Vegetal i.D., a horticultural producer for over 20 years, concentrates on producing plants specifically for extensive and semi-intensive green roofs. The largest of its kind in France, the Vegetal i.D. plant nursery is also one of the biggest in Europe. As a result of monitoring and maintaining several thousand green roofs, Vegetal i.D. has selected acclimated plants well-suited to building exteriors, as well as to local and extreme conditions experienced by roofs (exposure to the wind and the sun, extreme temperatures, etc.). The wide range of Vegetal i.D.® plant cover offers diversified vegetation meeting every requirement (uniform, flowering, varied cover) and coping with every constraint (shady roof, wind exposure, pitch, etc.) of an extensive or semi-intensive green roof project.
With Vegetal i.D.® green roofs, Nature is bringing back to the city!