Green roof on a Water purification station

Planted a multi-faceted roof on a purification station

Reconstructing the station for purifying wastewater on the Ile d'Arrault is part of the program for restoring stations for purifying wastewater in the built-up area of Orléans (France). 

The aim of the new installation was to create a discreet that was integrated with the surrounding natural environment. The installation of green roofs is part of a systems approach for sustainable development to:

  • Regulate the building temperature
  • synthesize carbon dioxide
  • Respect the local ecosystem that fit within the range of plant species found in the vegetation on the banks of the Loire.

Additional Info

  • Surface (sq m): 6000
  • Country: SUISSE
  • City: Orléans
  • Year completed: 2012
  • Roof medium: TAN
  • Architect: Arte Charpentier and Goes Peron
  • Etanchéité: double layer bituminous
  • Roof pitch (%): 0 to 65
  • Installation: ec2i
  • Plant cover: i.D. MIX-FLORE
  • Irrigation: Goutte-à-goutte
  • Accessibilité: Non

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adivet association des toitures végétalesGreen Roofs for healthy city associationPole Dream, Pole de compétitivité eaux et milieux - région Centre

VEGETAL i.D. designs and produces innovative,useful green solutions that integrate into urban andsuburban environments to make cities more pleasant,environmentally sound and smarter places to live.

A bespoke VEGETAL i.D solution exists for each urban greening project : flat or sloped roofs, biodiverse or biosolar roofs , urban farming , indoor or outdoor living walls , podium decks design with integrated sotrmwater management

Contact VEGETAL i.D engineering board to help you design your project

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