Launch of a pilot project to demonstrate the performance of STOCK&FLOW®


Vegetal i.D. Inc. has announced a collaboration between the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Fund For Lake Michigan, The Water Council, UW-Milwaukee, and UW-Whitewater to closely monitor the performance of a new stormwater management solution.

stock and flow US pilot project The technology being tested is an advanced system combining a blue roof with a green roof that is poised to bring green roof based stormwater management performance to a whole new level.

The project will compare stormwater management performance of 2 versions of STOCK & FLOW®, a typical extensive green roof, and a standard roof. They will also measure performance metrics such as the productivity of the plants and their ability to cool the roof.

Read the full article on website.

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adivet association des toitures végétalesGreen Roofs for healthy city associationPole Dream, Pole de compétitivité eaux et milieux - région Centre

VEGETAL i.D. designs and produces innovative,useful green solutions that integrate into urban andsuburban environments to make cities more pleasant,environmentally sound and smarter places to live.

A bespoke VEGETAL i.D solution exists for each urban greening project : flat or sloped roofs, biodiverse or biosolar roofs , urban farming , indoor or outdoor living walls , podium decks design with integrated sotrmwater management

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