i.D. SEDUM low maintenance plant cover

Available in Europe and North America

Vegetal i. D.® low maintenance plant cover is particularly well-suited to lightweight planting solutions on inaccessible roofs. It can be installed on any type of support (concrete, corrugated steel sheet, wood) and can be exposed to the sun or be in semi-shade.

The 100% sedum green roof

sedums id-sedum-recap-uk


  • Minimum maintenance
  • Very low load
  • Quick and easy to install



Living conditions on a roof can be very harsh: extreme temperatures, wind, and long dry periods. Establishing plants on a very restricted depth of growing medium means selecting particularly hardy and resistant plants. Sedums are succulents, which are very resistant to the numerous stresses associated with living conditions on a roof. They are able to establish themselves and offer perennial cover. As sedums are succulents they can endure long dry periods, before starting to grow again.
Of varying heights, sedum varieties are mixed in order to obtain a roof of pleasing and uniform appearance over time. The aesthetic appearance of the i.D. SEDUM range of plants is relatively low growing, natural, uniform, with colours that change according to the season and the intensity of the stresses experienced by the plants. Between the active growing periods (spring and autumn) and dry or frosty periods, the general appearance can vary from green to bronze, or even to brownish-red.

Les différentes couleurs du couvert iD SEDUM sur l'année

Depending on the plant species introduced, flowering usually takes place throughout summer. During the flowering period white, yellow and pink flowers appear. The location of the project, its exposure, and the maintenance program has are all factors in the appearance of the plants and the general effect of the roof. With regular maintenance, it is possible to lessen these aesthetic variations without totally eliminating them.

There are numerous planting techniques for establishing the i.D. SEDUM green roof and they may be combined: all-in-one HYDROPACK® tray, i.D. MAT pre-planted mat, plugs or potted plants, or spreading sedum cuttings. HYDROPACK® tray and i.D. MAT mat can be installed during spring, summer, or early fall as long as the temperature is warm enough.The period for planting plugs and spreading cuttings is limited to spring.

Example of plants making up the i.D. SEDUM roof

couvert-vegetalid id sedum-6plantes-07-2013 Example of plants making up the i.D. SEDUM range of plants: 1. Sedum album 2. Sedum sexangulare 3. Sedum lydium 4. Sedum spurium 5. Sedum floriferum kamtschaticum 6. Sedum hispanicum

Vegetal i.D. green roof projects with the i.D. SEDUM plant cover

Exemples de réalisations de toiture végétale en couvert i.D. SEDUM

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adivet association des toitures végétalesGreen Roofs for healthy city associationPole Dream, Pole de compétitivité eaux et milieux - région Centre

VEGETAL i.D. designs and produces innovative,useful green solutions that integrate into urban andsuburban environments to make cities more pleasant,environmentally sound and smarter places to live.

A bespoke VEGETAL i.D solution exists for each urban greening project : flat or sloped roofs, biodiverse or biosolar roofs , urban farming , indoor or outdoor living walls , podium decks design with integrated sotrmwater management

Contact VEGETAL i.D engineering board to help you design your project

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